Civil Construction
At AMAMDO ENERGY, we undertake all kinds of building construction for both industrial purposes, residential, commercial. Estate construction, Town and Urban Planning.

We have renowned personnel in the areas of Architectural design, Building Construction, Quantity Surveying, Civil Engineering, Plumbing and Mechanical Engineering, Water Wells and Borehole Drilling. Our services is second to none in Nigeria
Onshore/Offshore Environmental / Waste Management
Effective solids control begins in the reservoir. Knowing both the nature of the solids in the production fluids and when they will be present is a significant advantage in designing a separation and handling system. Using characterization and well testing insight, we can help you craft a custom solids solution from our array of efficient separation, transportation, and treatment technologies that will reduce production downtime.

Solids erode equipment, foul and plug system components, and are a drag on overall production performance. Smart design and implementation of a fit-for-purpose system can reduce both capex and opex while meeting your specific requirements. Our portfolio of reliable, low-maintenance technologies can help you mitigate negative impacts of solids at various stages of your production process while accommodating a range of solids loading and operational conditions such as flow rate, pressure, and temperature.

Other Environmental and Waste Management activities we undertake include the following: Internal and External Fumigation, Pollution Prevention, Laboratory Waste Disposal, Spill Control and Cleanup